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Give wings to your career at GMR Aero Academy

Over the last decade, the aviation industry in the country has grown significantly, with the domestic air travel market seeing the fastest growth worldwide. By 2030, India is expected to overtake China and the United States as the world's third-largest air passenger market according to the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Therefore, to cater for the rising air traffic, the Government of India has been working towards increasing the number of airports. As of 2020, India had 153 operational airports and by FY40 the country has envisaged increasing the number of operational airports to 190-200. Further, the number of airplanes is expected to reach 1,100 by 2027.

Consequently, with the industry's growth, the need for individuals with skills and knowledge to work in the aviation sector has also increased. GMR Aero Academy (GMRAA), known as the global gateway for aviation learning, provides training courses accredited by the Airport Council International (ACI), the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), and the Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS). Aspirants who want to pursue a career in the aviation sector can get themselves enrolled for GMR Aero Academy (GMRAA) programmes fields are taught by highly qualified experts and professionals in the respective programmes.
Here is a list of some of the aviation programmes that GMRAA has to offer -

Customer Service Associate (CSA) - One of the most valuable assets a business can have is great customer service. It is an integral part of how a company is perceived by its customers and prospects. Customer service is usually the thing a client remembers most when he or she looks back on their interaction with a company. It is an ongoing and continuous process of training throughout. GMRAA also provides aspirants with a Customer Service Associate (CSA) program that allows them to acquire the skill set to independently work in any of the niche areas of Customer Service whether it is in the aviation or non-aviation related industries.

Certificate in Airport and Cargo Operations - Did you know that airlines transport over 52 million metric tons of goods a year? This represents more than 35% of global trade by value but less than 1% of world trade by volume. That is equivalent to $6.8 trillion worth of goods annually, or $18.6 billion every day. Speaking of which, the Airport and Cargo Operations programme at GMRAA offers students the tools required to proactively address today's airports' essential operational and business needs. The two and a half month course introduces participants to all aspects of airport operations including knowledge of the various sub-disciplines of Airport Operations, becoming an IATA-certified Basic Cargo Professional, acquiring the skill set to independently work in any of the niche areas of Airport operations, and more.

Airline Cabin Crew - It is an exciting and challenging opportunity to work as a cabin crew for the airline industry. Apart from travelling to exotic destinations, this job requires a significant amount of responsibility and specialization in order to ensure that passengers' safety and comfort are met. The Airline Cabin Crew programme at GMRAA is ideal for young professionals looking to get a head start in the profession. It introduces them to the skills and responsibilities expected by the world’s leading airlines. This course provides students with knowledge of aviation & aviation regulations, improves communication skills, passenger handling and first-aid training, and more.

Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) - There are some items that may endanger the safety of an aircraft or its passengers, and the transport of these dangerous materials can either be prohibited or restricted. IATA collaborates with local governments and ICAO on developing these regulations. The Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) training offered by GMRAA allows you to apply the IATA dangerous goods regulations correctly, understand the legal aspects involved in the DGR process, identify dangerous goods, accept or reject a shipment correctly, differentiate between shipper's and operator's responsibilities, and more.

Cyber Security Programmes - Today, antivirus programs and firewalls are no longer able to stop cyber-attacks as they are on the rise, and companies and institutions no longer have to worry about "if" an attack will take place but rather "when". The concept of cyber security encompasses everything that pertains to protecting our data from cyber attackers who wish to steal this information and use it for malicious purposes. Cyber security courses are a need of the hour and GMRAA understands the importance of providing the students with the highest quality training in this field. Therefore, the academy is offering various Cyber Security Programmes such as Preventing Terrorist Attacks on Airports using CPTED/SEQURE Standards, Certified Professional for Airport IoT Security, Securing Airports with Facial Recognition and Radical Database, and even Workshop on CXO-Programme Wargaming.

For more information on the courses we provide at GMRAA, email us at